This or that game

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Walk around a couple more days.

By the wife a cheap vacuum, buy an expensive one?
You bought a moderately priced one.

Make beans for dinner, eat out?
Work, time to pay the bills!

Beans I made yesterday for dinner tonight, making something else?
Wait, that plumber's crack might make the time waiting worth it.

Go outside and air up tires for the G/F car, or call AAA?
AAA, you're still in recovery.

Drive to fill up Havasu's GFs tires, let him call AAA?

Drive around looking at houses, go to an agency and get a listing?

Go get lunch, go get dinner?
Neither...change the impeller...much more important.

Take a pain pill fearing addiction of suffer?
Take it, Have a strong mind and don't let them take over.

Impeller is a given yet is five years old and I am pushing my luck.

Wash and wax the boat tomorrow or just hose it off and call it good?
Wash and wax.

Continue following people around and turning off lights or just let the bill go sky high.
Flip the switches so when she thinks she is turning on the lights, she is actually turning them off.

Stay up or try once again to go back to sleep?
Stay up. If you can't sleep no point in being frustrated.

Go to the store tonight, ask the wife to go during lunch?
You went, don't ask your wife to do anything.

Stick around the house today and here complaints, make up a reason to leave and deal with it later?

Get the drunk over tomorrow to help get some stuff ready for my trip or do it myself.
Ask him, but know what it's going to entail.

Skip breakfast, sit down and eat like an adult?

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