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Scotch, all chairs are high chairs when you're sitting on the floor.

Go to the Post Office, hold off and do something else?
You went.

Take sinus meds, wait to see if the headache stops?

Go for a one mile walk, complain till the wife leaves me alone?
Pack, sleep is for the weak.

Study for my provincial final exam for 3rd yr or call it a night and get lots of rest for the exam?
Rest. Your neural pathways need to form and you it's hard to do that when you're adding information.

Start getting ready for the weekend, put it off till tomorrow?
You put it off.

Make plans for the weekend or wait and find out what we're doing from my wife?
Pretty damn good phish, thanks for asking! don't get results back for another week or two but I'm feeling a 90 or so. Very few I didn't know lol. I'm pretty confident I did well.

Keep playing some video games till the wife's home, or start making supper?
You're going to suffer anyways aren't you?

Take care of my errands now, wait till the last moment?
Take care of them.

Wife's Bday is tomorrow,

Buy her something, just give her a wad of cash to spend how she would like?
Go to a local Costco and get her a spa certificate. Those gals like to be pampered occasionally.

Get gas today...or wait and hope gas prices drop another penny by tomorrow.
Pick it up.

Spend time with the wife and kids, take a night off for myself?