This or that game

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Do internet stuff, like fixing the bad picture download on Flooring Forum ;)

Finish fixing the rear fence or stay inside where it is cool?

Go to museum, stay home and nap?
Go to a museum. You can sleep when you are dead.

Pretend I am Al Bundy and relax on the couch with just my underwear on, or be uncomfortable and wear pants?
Wear pants, we don't need anymore bad visuals, thank you.

Get up at 7 so I can eat breakfast before my dentist appointment, or sleep til 8 and just drink coffee?
Just coffee.

Take a nap, chase down my little man and take him to the Doc?

Go help momma try and get the crying baby to sleep or pretend I am asleep.
Pretend you're asleep. I did that this morning.

Give my Dad his Bday gift early, wait till his Birthday when I probably won't see him?
Gave it to him early, then forgot to call him. I'm an excellent son.

Apologize, Apologize and get him something?
Go fishing

Open the window and turn on some fans or let the ac scream all night right outside my window?
Ac, wind is hot.

Go out tonight, stay home cook dinner?
Go out, life is short.

Sit with my leg elevated, or watch my leg swell up until it explodes?
go to bed.

Continue on my vacation even though I spend the evening in the hospital due to ripping my calf muscle, or go back home to rest up?
What did the Doc say? Do what they say.

Continue to make my super special "Havasu is coming to town card", wait till I find out why he's in pain?
Follow orders, salt and red meat are over rated.

Take Havasu for Mexican food, or BBQ?
We went with burger.

Eat lunch, skip it do a ton of sit ups?