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I shared a bottle of Cabrito Reposado tequila that a worker of mine picked up in mexico for me with my buddy yesterday and now I wish I was still in bed.
Years ago, I had a "too kill ya" drinking contest with some Mexican cops Down in Colonet, Mexico. What I didn't know was they were drinking water as I was drinking their "rot gut." I can't remember who won, but all I know is I threw up for 2 days, and can't even smell that stuff without getting dry heaves!
Cheese Krystal

I'd never heard of it either havasu.

YOu got smashed with cops in Mexico? You are a far braver man than me.
Yeah, they called me the "Pinche Gringo Policia" and I drank them under the table, over the table, in the car, in the bathroom, and all over my kids in the back seat when I thought the window was down to throw up, but it wasn't! It was a challenge, and I had to do my share for public relations between countries!
Yes, I'm not proud of that moment. It seems to get brought up way too often with my son, who is a Deputy Sheriff! It's also the last time I drank that poison (but will induldge with a Margarita occasionally!).
I would like a beer once in a while, but my wife says none at all... so i haven't had a drop of alcohol in over 2 years.
I would like a beer once in a while, but my wife says none at all... so i haven't had a drop of alcohol in over 2 years.

Same here. Evidently I'm a jerk. I wouldn't know that though from all the not throwing up on my children. But really, I'm a lousy drunk.
I'd like to say I am a good drunk, well actually I don't get drunk very often but I give it a try every now and again but I am a nice drunk.
I've never had a hangover, and when i drink i get really lazy.... i'll just sit there and start at the wall if i could... :laugh:

Keith! We need a ROFL and laughing smiles!