What's the weather like where you are?

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My car's thermometer said it was 109 when I was out and about yesterday. I felt as if I were about to pass out when walking to the car and then saw why, when I looked at the temperature. Of course, it could also be that the car is dark blue and amplified the heat, but it was still hot as hell-- and it was also humid so it made it worse.

I don't remember it getting that hot here when I was younger. The winters have also been colder- well, its not during winter... I've noticed that the seasons seem to be shifting so what used to be the colder months are still warm and what used to be the warmer months are still cold.
We're supposed to hit 104 with rain.

It should be interesting.
I think the weather was mild today. I didn't wake up until 6pm, so maybe it had cooled off. My chronic fatigue has been kicking my ass the past few days and the hot weather does not help.
104 with rain again. It cooled us off pretty good yesterday, but the storms kept waking up my kids.
It was not too hot this morning but the dogs wanted in. I don't know what it was like the rest of the day since I felt sick and was sleeping it off.
I stayed indoors yesterday until nearly dark. It was a cool night and the dogs were all hyper about it.

This morning it didn't seem too hot, but I went out around the time that the sun was just coming up.
This weather is strange. The entire So Cal area is baking in extreme heat and humidity...all except for a round circle in the Big Bear area where Chris is at. The news said he was in the low 60's, and sure enough, that is what Chris's weather gauge is showing. Stay dry buddy!