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I dont like it... now that I have to use cheater bars to break nuts / bolts loose.
I needed to change out a filter in a whole house style filter. Couldn't budge it with the standard wrench. Added a piece if pipe to get more leverage. It gave, I fell on the floor. It sucks to get old...but I did get that filter changed.
Many years ago my Dad called me to replace his water filter... He couldn't turn the filter housing. I relieved the water pressure and was able to turn it by hand.
Many years ago my Dad called me to replace his water filter... He couldn't turn the filter housing. I relieved the water pressure and was able to turn it by hand.
I had previously done that, in my case, it was either stuck, or I was weak, or a combination. It was certainly a surprise with the sudden release. I had to replace the o-ring.. it had retained its flattened down shape. I was pleased at how easily it went back togeather with no drips... at slightly more than hand tight.
I ruined my pressure washer hose just last week because I failed to release the pressure before unscrewing it. I knew I forgot to do something!
Ever not get the end completely on the end of the wand ? You only do that once. Put a nice little mark in my avalanche... (back when it was pretty new)
I can see that happening. Those spring loaded connections get hard from gunk, and hard to tell if the tips are clipped in properly.
Ludington, nice job on the granite and the TV mount!

My brain is not working well today. Just got back from visiting Mom at the hospital. Had to call 911 yesterday morning because her sugar got so low she passed out. Brother heard her Dexcom alarm going off and saw it said "low". He couldn't wake her up so he got me. We sat her up and put glucose tablets under her tongue. She came to briefly but her eyes rolled back and she would have her eyes really wide looking alarmed/confused and then pass back out. We got her sugar to 47 before the paramedics arrived. Friend arrived before the paramedics to see if we could get her in the wheelchair but she was not able to assist and actually fought and yelled "NO" when we tried to get her to cooperate. Paramedics gave her IV sugar and got it up to 200 but she still wasn't lucid, but was able to try to stand a little-- after we got her to stop trying to get her feet back up on the bed. Paramedics said she became lucid in the ambulance on the way over. She also had hypothermia. Temp was down to 90. They warmed her back up and then admitted her to a regular hospital room.

I brought her some stuff this morning-- she asked for her purse because it has her phone. Then she said she wanted to take her insulin and got very angry at me when I said "No". She told me to get out so I went and got the nurse to go talk some sense into her and confiscate her insulin. Mom is super cranky. Tomorrow is her birthday and she doesn't want to be in there tomorrow. I'm hoping they will release her soon but she's going to be a handful since she's still cranky and blaming me for stuff. She was lying to the nurse and accusing me of not feeding her. She doesn't realize that they might put her in an assisted living facility if they believe enough of her lies. At least she was calmed down before we left. Bro needed to take his meds and was having foot/ankle pain. Mom was happily watching TV when we left.
Zanne, it has been sad hearing of your mom's struggles.
She is fortunate to have you guys close.
My mom passed away March 26 after being at assisted living for just over a year. If mom had been willing to live close to any one of us three sibs, she would have gotten the focused attention that you are giving your mom...alas, my mom wanted to be in her "community", but in the end, we couldn't keep up with traveling 6 hours each direction to help her routinely. So, started hospice for pain control, rather than invasive medical intervention and within two weeks she was gone. She was 96 but had "end stage" (her doctor's terms) arthritis in every major joint. Lots of arthritis drugs, plus Oxycontin AND Fentanyl patchs didn't help, it was so bad.
Zanne, it has been sad hearing of your mom's struggles.
She is fortunate to have you guys close.
My mom passed away March 26 after being at assisted living for just over a year. If mom had been willing to live close to any one of us three sibs, she would have gotten the focused attention that you are giving your mom...alas, my mom wanted to be in her "community", but in the end, we couldn't keep up with traveling 6 hours each direction to help her routinely. So, started hospice for pain control, rather than invasive medical intervention and within two weeks she was gone. She was 96 but had "end stage" (her doctor's terms) arthritis in every major joint. Lots of arthritis drugs, plus Oxycontin AND Fentanyl patchs didn't help, it was so bad.
Didn't realize arthritus could get that bad. So sorry you all had to go through that.
Thanks. I know on some level Mom appreciates it, but anytime she relies/depends on someone she acts ungrateful and is overly critical. She was that way with my dad and she's that way with me. Blames me for anything going wrong-- even her own dumb decisions. Hell, especially her own dumb decisions. She will claim things were my idea. And she will lie to others to blame me for things that were her fault. Something she's always done. She doesn't seem to realize that if she lies enough it could backfire and she could end up in a home- not that I would put her in one but the nursing homes lobby enough that I could potentially get arrested (if the court systems believed her lies) and put her in a home. The nursing homes in my area are absolute garbage and they treat patients horribly. I think she will probably be a bit cranky once she gets home, but she will calm down when she's feeling better.

I really want to give the nurse flowers for how she handled things. We've had some really bad nurses at that hospital in the past and this one kept her cool and dealt with mom nicely and talked some sense into her. I thanked her when she was leaving the room and was glad she got reinforcements to come in and talk to Mom about things a bit.

I've been having neck and hip pain and trying to catch up on some rest. I let 2 of Mom's sisters know what was going on. I can't remember the number for her other sister and she doesn't use FB messenger. If I find her info I'll try to text her, even though I hate texting. LOL. The other two will probably inform her though.

Just fed the kitties and I think Senator Snugglebum is in the kitchen hollering about something. Gravy Jones was hollering earlier. Poor Fippy really misses Mom. He keeps pushing his way into the living room (the door has a spring and swings in and he can push through) and sitting in her computer chair. He'll be ecstatic if she comes home tomorrow.

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