Broke a few Toes

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Shoes can be useful but they can also be annoying. Ever since I was a kid the first thing I would do when I got in the house was take my shoes off. My feet used to be fairly tough because I would walk around the yard barefoot. I wore sandals a lot when I was overseas. I have hard time finding comfortable shoes. I've been wearing the same shoes for over 10 years now and they are not in the best of shape-- they slip on and are stretchy so they don't mash my toes. The only shoes I can wear (for everyday use) now have to be wide and have some flex to them. But they aren't good for working on inclines so I have to work barefoot when I go onto the roof to clean it.
I hate going barefoot, wearing sandals, and I am not really all that fond of tennis shoes. I am just spoiled by the protection and support I get from a well fitting pair of high top lace up work boots.
I own shoes, but I just never wear them. I'm a pretty lucky guy.
Yeah, it is interesting to see how different people feel about shoes. I always hate it when I see that stereotype about all women loving shoes and such. I just never got it. But then, I don't get a lot of stuff women do. Like, women are supposed to get all bent out of shape out of a toilet seat being left up. I don't get that. Like seriously, you look at the toilet to make sure the seat is still attached and note what position its in and if its up, you take half a second to just tap it down. It's not like it is some long drawn out process. It's not a big deal. Now, when I went into the bathroom and found the toilet seat lying on the floor smeared with crap, THEN I had a problem. It took a few minutes to get it cleaned and put back on. I had to go find a freaking screwdriver at 3am... Oops, this thread is about feet.... LOL.
My daughter loves shoes. My wife both sit back and look at her girliness and are like, "Where did that come from?".
I blame the media representations of girls and what they are supposed to like. The magazines, tv shows, etc portray shallow girls who are obsessed with clothes and appearance and are more interested in fashion than science. Well, society helps influence it, but society has been heavily influenced by mass marketing. The whole body hair shaving thing for women started in I think 1914 when a razor company launched a campaign to create a problem that didn't really exist and claim that it was abnormal for women to have armpit hair (although back then they couldn't say "armpit"). The movement really took flight in the 20s and 30s and now people seem to think what used to be normal is now abnormal because marketing was very effective in changing societal views.

And that in no way has anything to do with your toes. LOL.
I blame the media representations of girls and what they are supposed to like. The magazines, tv shows, etc portray shallow girls who are obsessed with clothes and appearance and are more interested in fashion than science. Well, society helps influence it, but society has been heavily influenced by mass marketing. The whole body hair shaving thing for women started in I think 1914 when a razor company launched a campaign to create a problem that didn't really exist and claim that it was abnormal for women to have armpit hair (although back then they couldn't say "armpit"). The movement really took flight in the 20s and 30s and now people seem to think what used to be normal is now abnormal because marketing was very effective in changing societal views.

And that in no way has anything to do with your toes. LOL.

Society has always had issue with hair to some degree or another. I had this conversation with my wife last night as I was getting a shave and a haircut.

My Daughter wasn't exposed to any real media or society in general. My greatest failing as a parent was my lack of drive in socializing her. She developed a taste for princesses and clothes all on her own.

I won't stop it. When I was a kid l liked guns and fighting. I don't think it was a product of social conditioning, I think I was just a boy.
Society has always had issue with hair to some degree or another. I had this conversation with my wife last night as I was getting a shave and a haircut.

My Daughter wasn't exposed to any real media or society in general. My greatest failing as a parent was my lack of drive in socializing her. She developed a taste for princesses and clothes all on her own.

I won't stop it. When I was a kid l liked guns and fighting. I don't think it was a product of social conditioning, I think I was just a boy.

Maybe you aren't Keith, maybe you are really just the Texas version of me.
My g/f's granddaughter also has a shoe fetish. I assume this is normal for a someone who calls herself a "fashionista". Look at her wearing g'ma's shoes.

My princess is not exposed to lots of commercials and television and the like. But she absolutely loves princesses, dress up, etc. She is definitely a girly girl, even though my wife is not at all into dresses and high heels, curse the luck.
Maybe you aren't Keith, maybe you are really just the Texas version of me.

And Chris. It's scary how much we all have in common.

My g/f's granddaughter also has a shoe fetish. I assume this is normal for a someone who calls herself a "fashionista". Look at her wearing g'ma's shoes.

That is adorable.

My princess is not exposed to lots of commercials and television and the like. But she absolutely loves princesses, dress up, etc. She is definitely a girly girl, even though my wife is not at all into dresses and high heels, curse the luck.

It happens it seems!
Oh yeah, who had their money on 10/12?

That's when it happened again. Broke two on my left foot.
Oh man.. I'm sorry to hear that Austin. How did it happen this time?
I'm putting my money on 3/26/2014

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I hope there are no broken toes this time.