This or that game

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Go out for breakfast while waiting for materials or make biscuits and gravy?
Go out.

It's about to start raining...

Go stand outside and act like it needs my approval, or go yell at the people doing that to get back to work?
Yell at people. I just got back from going out to breakfast. Spinach and bacon omelette, hash browns and biscuits and gravy, yum.

Go to the lumber yard and see if my materials have shown up yet or wait a little longer?
coffee beer. Now you're saving time, but that's why you're the boss.

Put on real shoes, were Sandals and have people ask me stupid questions about why I'm wearing them?
Sandals, and look at people like they are stupid when they ask.

Curse the rain because it is keeping me home from work, or praise the rain for keeping me home from work?
Both, whatever you decide though, get drunk and be belligerent.

Go home, go out?

More Coffee, get up and walk around?
More Coffee. When it runs thru your system, you will be forced to also walk around, to the toilet!

Clean up the backyard or work on tagging?
Like, graffiti-tagging? I say clean the yard lest you wind up in jail...

tonite's dinner... homemade tacos, or frozen pizza?

Give up and apologize, give up and apologize?
In So Cal, who needs heat in the winter.

Make a knife with a bone handle or make a knife with a wood handle?