Deep-well jet pump that will not build pressure.

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Oct 16, 2023
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I have a deep-well jet pump that will not build pressure.
The symptoms are as follows: when the pump runs, it has about 40 PSI, and I can get water to my faucets. But when I turn off the pump using the switch, the pressure bleeds off quickly down to around 20 PSI and doesn't hold.

What I did to diagnose the problem: First, I checked to see if it lost its prime, but water was being held in the suction pipe. Then, I drained the tank and checked the air pressure holding at 38 PSI. Next, I swapped the pressure switch out for a known good switch, thinking maybe a bad switch, but the same results. I then turned off the supply valve to the tank with the pump running, and it was the same as when the valve opened about 40 PSI. When I turn off the pump, the pressure holds between 10 to 20 PSI and slowly bleeds off over about an hour.

P.S. We replaced the whole system about five years ago, pulling the plumbing out of the ground, replacing the pipes and foot valve, and putting in a new deep jet pump and (Bladder) pressure tank.
Sorry for the delay. Sounds like you have a bad foot valve or a leak in the pipe somewhere. When not using any water pressure should not fall off. Make sure the valve to the house is closed, then if you still loose pressure you have water leaking somewhere, which will most likely be a hole in the pipe. A bad foot valve will not keep the pump from making 60 PSI but a hole in the pipe will.
Sorry for the delay. Sounds like you have a bad foot valve or a leak in the pipe somewhere. When not using any water pressure should not fall off. Make sure the valve to the house is closed, then if you still loose pressure you have water leaking somewhere, which will most likely be a hole in the pipe. A bad foot valve will not keep the pump from making 60 PSI but a hole in the pipe will.
I already checked for leaks and pulled the pipe from the well. I found no holes or leaks, and the foot valve seems in working order.
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Well if the pressure is dropping then water is leaking somewhere. If you do not see any leaks, the foot valve is most likely the problem. It is hard to tell by looking at a foot valve, but they will leak back. The foot valve slamming every time the pump shuts off causes it to wear quickly. Adding a Cycle Stop Valve to the system will give it a mechanical soft start/stop as it make the pump stop when only pumping 1 GPM, which means a gentle close for the foot valve.

PK1A Deep well jet two pipes.jpg
Adding a Cycle Stop Valve to the system will give it a mechanical soft start/stop as it make the pump stop when only pumping 1 GPM, which means a gentle close for the foot valve.
Maybe I missed it, but I've not seen you mention this before. Yet another reason for a CSV. Cool!
If you have a cut off valve that works at the pump that isolates the pump/tank from the outlet supply, turn it off and see if the pressure drops.

If the pressure drops it has to be a problem with the well/components.
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That makes sense for why it was not building pressure, but I still don't understand why it was losing pressure when the pump was off and taps where closed?
That makes sense for why it was not building pressure, but I still don't understand why it was losing pressure when the pump was off and taps where closed?
I assume that because the stone was blocking the jet it was preventing the pressure from building. I could be wrong.
OK, now I have a new problem.
I get 40 psi but no water flow.
At first, I thought that I might have a leak in the connection of the ejector that was after I fixed all my leaks above ground, so I pulled the pipes back up and made sure my connections were tight reprimed the pump, and got 40 psi.

Do I need to adjust the pressure regulator? it was a 20/40 when I bought it and already adjusted it to 30/50 before my system was set at 40/60.