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Would someone be kind enough to help out this poor soul who seems to have frelled up the bathroom plumbing?

I don't want to give any advice that is wrong-- but it looks like a SNAFU with the joists and the concept of venting seems off. Tub drain goes down before reaching vent and pipe runs horizontal through joists before going to a wye. Shower drain goes through joists and meets on one end of wye supposedly so it can vent and the vent for the tub is serving as the drain for the shower...
Would someone be kind enough to help out this poor soul who seems to have frelled up the bathroom plumbing?

I don't want to give any advice that is wrong-- but it looks like a SNAFU with the joists and the concept of venting seems off. Tub drain goes down before reaching vent and pipe runs horizontal through joists before going to a wye. Shower drain goes through joists and meets on one end of wye supposedly so it can vent and the vent for the tub is serving as the drain for the shower...

It's a hack job for sure. But with all due respect to the OP. he stated he asked several plumbers for help but they would give him none. There must be a reason for it. Why not pay a plumber? Maybe he irked them because he always asks instead of hiring someone. If this is for a customer of his, they get what they pay for.
It's a hack job for sure. But with all due respect to the OP. he stated he asked several plumbers for help but they would give him none. There must be a reason for it. Why not pay a plumber? Maybe he irked them because he always asks instead of hiring someone. If this is for a customer of his, they get what they pay for.

Yeah. I'd have to read the wording again, but I don't know if he tried to hire someone or if he just tried to seek advice and didn't get answers. But man, to go ahead without knowing what he was doing... Yikes. It makes me wonder how badly botched the other DIY jobs were.

I certainly hope this wasn't for a customer.

That is an expensive fix-- will require serious joist repair, water lines will need to be moved (since one of them passes pretty much under a joist with a little bit of notching. Electrical is just floating around without conduit right under drain pipe and too close to edge.
Pretty sure the person didn't pull any permits so they might get dinged with double-fines for retroactive permit-- although there is no way that would pass inspection.
IMO, they need a structural engineer to figure out what to do to fix that mess. By trying to safe money by DIYing, it's going to cost more to repair the damage.
I wonder if he will even come back. People don't like to be told they screwed up. And this was major major screwup.
It hurts me to look at those poor joists. LOL.
I just remembered the story of a guy who studied the law while in prison and found out that there was still something on the books where the state had to give him a horse and a certain amount of $ upon his release. So, he demanded that they pony up and they actually did.

Meanwhile, I see that the guy with the major plumbing and joist issue didn't do most of the damage-- someone else did it prior. I wonder if it's too late for him to sue whoever did that to his joists.
Last night, the wife wanted to dress up and get fancy. So, we went to this new restaurant in town. I paid $150 for my meal alone, and walked away still hungry. That should be illegal! I should have to be carried out of there on a stretcher for that price!

Other than that, work was a little rough this week. I basically did service all week one handed because last weekend I jammed my hand in something and it's still annoyingly tender. It's nice to k ow that should I ever lose the hand completely, I think I could still manage to work :D
We had an old cop buddy over for dinner last night. Damn, we drank some really fine wine but I am suffering a bit today.
I've been enjoying the break from my brother's dog-- no getting jumped on and tripped when I go outside. And, other than the messes he made before he left, I haven't had to clean up after my brother. Counters are nice, I'm not finding new trash left on the floor, in the freezer, on top of the freezer, or on top of the fridge and I haven't had to clean the microwave. I haven't had to go pick up his prescriptions at the pharmacy or had him pester me to go to the grocery store to get stuff for him. I haven't had to hear Mom getting all enraged because he won't take the trash out or answer the phone when she calls him and asks him to do something. She seems less stressed out with him away. Even Mom's dog is in a better mood. He isn't growling as much.
Almost forgot, the food is lasting longer and I haven't gone to get something for Mom only to find that my brother had eaten it and then have to listen to her having a tantrum about how he eats all of her food-- and he doesn't even pay for it.
And the outside dogs are gleeful about the obnoxious dog being gone. I think they will be disappointed when he comes back. But they will be happy to see my brother.
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WIFE: " you need to change your diet before you have a heart attack"

*not even an hour later*

"Hey Matt I got you cinnamon bun flavoured Oreos and sour patch kids from the store!"

Wife logic
WIFE: " you need to change your diet before you have a heart attack"

*not even an hour later*

"Hey Matt I got you cinnamon bun flavoured Oreos and sour patch kids from the store!"

Wife logic

Welcome to the land of married, where everything is completely ass backwards

where ''I am not mad, Really, I am FINE"

Translates to I WILL kill you the first chance I get

OR,,,,You go with your budies and Have A good time, i want to stay home and read this new book I bought, GO, GO,,,Have a good time.

Actually Means, If you go with those idiots you will sleep on the couch for a month

Have you ruined her favorite sweater yet ?

EVERY newly wed needs to know this.

Grab her cashmere $100,00 sweater, Her Favorite.
Throw it in the washer with a new pair of levis
then dry it in the dryer on the hot setting for an hour.

when she finds it,
she will tell you you are to stupid to use the washer
i have not used mine in over 25 years.
that sweater was a good investiment
LOL. I think Frodo just described why I don't have many female friends in real life. Waaay too much drama. I may have a uterus, but I really don't get women. I think a lot of it is learned behavior. I know some guys who pull stuff like that too, and it is exasperating. It's like I think they need to have special classes in school to teach clear communication so people don't say one thing while meaning another.

Update on my past few days. I picked up my brother from the airport-- his flight landed early. Saw an old lady having some trouble with her luggage while trying to go to the parking lot. (The parking lot is fairly far from the airport and has a brick pathway that is bumpy on luggage wheels). I offered to help her and pulled the luggage for her. She then couldn't remember where her car was. She told me to just leave her luggage on the sidewalk and she went to look for her car. I went to my truck and got it started up and then saw the lady found her car. I jumped out and went back for her luggage and dragged it to her car. She had me put it in her trunk and then tried to pay me. I told her I'd accept a hug instead. So I got a nice hug from a stranger.

After getting home I had to go back in after midnight with my brother so we could get his derpy dog. Dog had broken his collar and was running all around trying to escape. We spent a little time with our friends and my brother gave them gifts from Japan. Then we went back home and I had to take my brother to the doctor in the afternoon (urgent visit since he was having trouble breathing). He was told he can't return to work for a few more days so we dropped by his work to tell his boss (well, I had to tell his boss because my brother's throat is so bad the boss couldn't hear him). The boss was disappointed but understood and said he might have him cover for someone on his usual day off.

Around 8:30pm last night the power went out. I'd already made soup for my brother (Mom woke me up to cook for him) and Mom had a salad I got for her. I hadn't eaten so I decided to go into town to grab something. I noticed the traffic lights were out. Kept driving and found all the fast food places were dark. I drove out to Walmart and it was dark. I pulled in to the parking lot to turn around and noticed carts slung all over the place, trash can lids, and random debris. I saw police cars over at the gas station and saw that the roof of the gas station was scattered in the parking lot. Apparently a tornado touched down last night. I immediately headed over to check on my friends in a trailer park and saw the police were blocking off several roads. Friends were fine but had no power. They asked me to drive them around so we could look at the damage. By the time we got back to Walmart the lights were back on, but the employees were at the door turning customers away.
I parked in a handicap spot and called home to tell them what was going on. As I was talking to my brother, some jerk in a white truck pulled up and stopped next to a riding cart. He jumped out and then picked up the riding cart and tried to put it in the back of his truck but it was too heavy so he dropped it. He was right in front of the store with lights on him, employees looking, and the security cameras were probably on. He then jumped back in his truck and took off. Meanwhile, my friends and I were saying "Did that idiot really just try to steal a riding cart? WTF?" Then we had a good laugh about it. But seriously? WTF is wrong with people? What a moron!
But that just gives you an idea of what this town is like.
Later today I'm going to drive in and see how bad the damage is. I know the tornado hit Maple St but I want to see if my elderly friend's houses on Oak St are ok.
new sling, not as wide, and whole lot cheaper

this is for an ak or ar

ut has 1 single point attachment, that gives you the choice of either a mil spec hook or a wwrao around the barrel so you do not have to buyy a new attachment....smart huh ?

also has 12'' length adjustment from 4' to 5'

so it can be comfy on a light frame person or a big guy like me




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Looks great, Frodo!

I'm trying to get my brain together and be productive-- got sick from my brother so now I'm coughing so hard I can taste blood (but fortunately don't see any).

I'm still trying to compile the info for my plumbing remodel thread-- but it's like having ADD because I start looking through my notes and files to find a certain picture or info and then I get sidetracked. I need to focus. LOL.
Funny story from this morning. Proof that we all have our WTF moments.

Well pump call this morning. Suspected broken wire. Me and another guy pull the pump up, it's only 3 years old but it appears oil may have been leaking out of the motor seal. But the well was so dirty we couldn't tell if it was oil or just scummy water.

So what does my partner do? The only logical thing and dab his finger in the black gook and lick it. He gets bitter beer face and starts spiting.

Me " what the F did you do that for?!"

Him "I don't know!!" *spit*spit*

Me "how do you know what oil even tasted like?"

Him " I don't!! I don't know why I did it!!" *spit*

We had a good laugh about that one :D
I've been so sick that I can't focus for more than a few seconds. Managed to cook eggs for my mother and miraculously didn't spill or burn anything. I can't smell anything. My nose is so clogged that I have completely lost my sense of smell which is good in some ways and bad in others. I have no appetite. I was feeling so loopy that my brother actually drove me to the store, walked me to a riding cart, and helped me load up groceries, got my meds, and then went back home and he carried the stuff in. He's feeling better so he was able to take care of me a little bit. It's nice to know someone has my back. but other than that I feel totally spaced out and keep forgettting what I want to say....
Done gone and tore something in my dang shoulder. Working the past few weeks have been awful, time to see a Dr soon I think.
Done gone and tore something in my dang shoulder. Working the past few weeks have been awful, time to see a Dr soon I think.

Ugh. I hope your shoulder isn't too badly injured and that it will heal quickly.