Water softener brands/models, which are most reliable, or should be avoided?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2016
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Apparently the old Kenmore water softener at the rental house in San Jose has given up the ghost and needs to be replaced.

Which brands/models currently on the market are reliable? And by reliable, I mean "will last the longest if the tenants only just add salt when needed but never do anything else in terms of maintenance". Affordable would be good too.

It will go in the garage where the old one was, be attached to easily accessible (exposed) copper pipe, and will drain on a salt flush into the laundry sink through a hose. I don't recall for sure what sort of electrical socket it used, but I think it was just a 15A 120V circuit. Don't recall if the washing machine was plugged into the same circuit. If so, possibly a code violation (two devices where sum of currents more than 80% of circuit rating), but only a problem if somebody decided to do laundry at 2:00AM on a day when the regeneration was also going.

Water hardness is supposed to be around 12-29 grains per gallon, and it is city water. The water softener is plumbed in just before the water heater. The cold water in the house is untreated.


Edit: changed hardness, it was for the wrong part of town. This house is in the "mostly groundwater" section:

https://www.sjwater.com/sites/default/files/2024-05/SanJoseWater2023-050424 FINAL hi res.pdf
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