Upgrade to PEX?

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I am not Joe Homeowner that does not know which end of the screwdriver to hold .

But if you want to get permits , make your self happy .

God bless
NJ law makes it pretty clear that a permit is required for this work. Sure, I can skip that, but in the future if I need to sell this house, someone could call my bluff and then I'd have a problem.
Static water pressure at home inlet is 65 psi. When I open two cold faucets in the upstairs bathroom the pressure is 58 psi.

You will lose 1psi for approximately every 2.31' of vertical lift. To get more pressure upstairs, increase or your pressure downstairs.
I am not a plumber . But I have been in construction for over 35 years . And have learned as much as I can from the other trades .

I am capable of doing plumbing in a workable / safe manner . I do not wish to cause myself problems .

Years down the road no one is going to know or care what work I self performed . And is it does not give trouble , no one is going to care .

When I upgraded the electrical service to 200 amps , only reason I took out a permit is it worked put better to let the power company re-tie in the new service . I could not source the insulated butt crimps / splices and I did not have access to a crimping tool to do the side by side crimps .

1-1/2 years ago I replaced the water main from the meter , in the alley , to under the house . Ditch ended up costing quite a bit more than the material . Rented a mini-excavator from Home Depot . One day to cut the ditch and another 1/2 day to back fill the ditch .

Used 1" white PEX with bras fittings and the copper crimp rings .

God bless
I once installed an entire central air system in my house with the advice of a contractor. I paid him to design the system and purchase/deliver the parts. He was very busy with jobs so he was glad to do it. It was easy money for him and it it saved me about $2000 by doing the work myself.