Three sources, and water back-ups..

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New Member
May 19, 2013
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Hello everyone,

I have a project going on down the street, and wanted to see if anyone may be able pin point the problem so i can go ahead fix. This is going to be done free of charge, as they're friends of mine. I went ahead and made a diagram the best i could in which it looks like..

The problem.
Every time someone uses the toilet, the water backs-up and comes out the shower drainage. Quite nasty, feces, and urine seeps through.
Along with that, the toilet does not actually fully flush. Only a certain amount of waste actually makes it through at a time.
Done used a plunger, in both the shower and toilet..

When using shower, it takes awhile for the used water to actually drain into the sewage line.

Besides this, in the kitchen..
When you use both sides of the sink it will take awhile as well for the water to drain. Only if there's water in both sides at the same time. If there's water in one sink, it will drain just fine and dandy.

My overall guess, is a poor plumbing install, just looks that way. However, if there's a fix, i would love to know.


Any assistance, and input would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
-Yahola Moore
[email protected]
Can you get a picture of the plumbing?

Just from what I can guess so far, it sounds like there is a main line drainage clog. This needs to be remedied by a drain cleaning professional with a properly sized and used drain cleaning snake. It is entirely possible that the plumbing is fine, and has just developed a clog.
Ok, i got two snakes. A small one that could fit into the toilet, and other small openings. Or i have one that's powered by a 1/2hp drill that has four blades that come to form a 3" diameter, maybe slightly bigger. I'll provide a picture of the plumbing tomorrow when i go over again. That was our assumption, a clog. However was not thinking the main line. Makes sense though, if the sink has problems in the kitchen, then the toilet, and bath tub in the bathroom which are a good twenty-five feet from each other. Thanks for your input i appreciate it, makes mucho sense to me.

I tried my best on the diagram. Had fun with Microsoft paint for fifteen minutes though, had been years since, haha.

-Yahola Moore
Yeah I agree with main line clog. The machines are much much bigger than that, usually a 5/8 cable minimum. If you don't know what your doing that thing will break your hand in a heartbeat. If you're really insistent on doing it be extremely cautious. I'd recommend just calling a pro. I've had close calls and I've done it plenty of times.
Find the main line where it exit the house to locate a clean-out. Locating the clean-out can help you diagnosis and/or repair the issue. I agree with the others about you having a professional make the repairs, But if you can locate the clean-out it can help with the cost of repairs.
I appreciate all the feedback. You all are very kind, and helpful. It had came out to be the main line, and it was a clog-a-rooni. Hah. I went ahead, and used my snake with the drill. Was able to 'un-clog' it. Never got to tell exactly what it was, had drained into the sewage. Thanks, for your input, as said.. Very helpful, and got me paid. ;)