Raise the toilet seat height idea.

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Active Member
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
boynton beach, fl
Standard height toilet rims are 14-15" from the floor.

Many folks are changing out their toilets to RH (right height) 17-19" units.


Gaining 2" using a standard seat seems straightforward.

Automobiles are routinely raised or lowered a few inches; why not toilet seats?

The hinge mount is simple; use a 2" spacer made from plastic or ceramic and longer screws.

The harder part is supporting the seat.

The spacers could be attached to the seat or the rim.

I would guess that 4 supports would be strong enough.

With the seat and cover down, it would look pretty normal.

I would opt to attach the spacers to the seat for ease of cleaning.

Why go through the bother and expense of changing out an entire toilet?
They make handicapped seats to raise the height of the toilet to handicapped heights. Just sayin'.
They make handicapped seats to raise the height of the toilet to handicapped heights. Just sayin'.

And they look and feel like sh$t.

A regular seat and lid is what a person is used to.

Better than changing out an entire toilet, not to mention broken PVC flanges, etc.