new bathroom drains slowly

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New Member
Jan 7, 2012
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put new bathroom in - water lines, drain lines, tub, sink, toilet, and washer - with all new plastic drains. the sink and tub (on same side) drain very slowly. the tub drain is no further from the pipe going down the wall than the washer (both maybe 9-10 feet so not much of an angle on the pipes). the sink and the toilet are closest, and on each side of the down drain. the tub always has a few inches of water when using the shower and the sink backs up when water is run on medium. every once in a while there is a bubble in the sink (like a burp?). the tub and sink are on one side and the toilet and washer are on the other.

also the first person who takes a shower always gets a cold shower. it heats up slowly. it's on the second floor. didn't have this problem with old shower. the water is very hot and needs turned down with next shower.
Sounds like a venting problem. You might want to look into some studor vents for under the sinks. Might help, hard to say without seeing it for myself.
Venting issues sound likely, has it been a problem for long or did it happen suddenly?

vents are not USUALLY the problem if they have been plumbed in and properly, but this definatelly sounds like one, or a pipe grade issue.

Did a plumber plumb this or a GC?
Your post just states "put in new bathroom". Who put it in? Was it you, a handy-man, a licensed plumber? Was the work inspected? I'm thinking the branch lines aren't vented correctly. An inspection would have caught this issue before all the walls got closed up. As far as the water temp. issue goes, did your previous faucets drip at all? Possibly hot water? How far is you water heater from the bathroom? There will always be some lag-time for hot water to get to a fixture unless you have a re-circulating pump on the line, especially if the fixture is some distance from the water heater.