Kitchen sink problem

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New Member
Jan 10, 2015
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I got a problem with my kitchen sink aint sure if its clogged or the vent pipe is clogged.I have a double sided sink and when i wash dishes and let the water out it will back up into other side and then it will slowly go down but it gargles alot could a clogged vent pipe cause this or is the drain itself clogged or both,i dont know much about plumbing but with it gargling that makes me think vent pipe clogged but want to ask and get some advice.Also if the vent is clogged could i just take a hose and climb up and run water down it since it runs into the drain.Thanks
Stay off the roof. You will likely cause more problems then you will fix.

Your drain line is partially obstructed. Kitchen sink drains can be very tough to clear properly. You could get things flowing yourself for a while if you have a good contractor grade hand snake with a 3/8" cable. If that doesn't clear it for you, it will be a job for a professional with proper equipment.
As you are saying that you have checked the vent, but do not try to go on top to run the water down. This will force you into a bigger problem. The best tool is a snake drain cleaner with a general length of 4'and 7'. Try removing the clog by this equipment but don't over do it. If things go out of hand, call up a local plumbing service in your vicinity.
It sounds like a grade issues to me but yes snake it if that do not help put a level on the pipe between the 2 drains