HELP - Planting trees near septic tank

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May 3, 2012
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I have a septic system with an access hatch at the top of a hill. The grade is easily 15- 25 degrees and the hill is a couple hundred feet down to a creek.

I rented a bob cat with an auger for some other work and dug 4 holes for trees about 60-80 feet down the hill from the tank entrance. I ended up nicking the plastic piping in 2 of the 4 holes. The grey plastic piping was less than 2 feet deep and I only scraped off about 1/4 of the circumference for a distance of 8 inches of the pipe.

Given the distance between the trees and the hatch I didn't think they would be that far away from the tank. nor did i think it would be less than 2 feet down.

I went ahead and planted the trees, but I am having second thoughts. Based on where the grass grows faster, I'm a good 40 feet from where the majority of the drainage occurs.

i'm 90% certain the septic will be fine, but i would really appreciate some reassurance from some professionals. I'd also appreciate insight on the idea of planting a few more frees 10 or so feet further down.

Many thanks in advance
Was that part of the leach field for your septic system?

I'm not sure how I would know that. How big are standard fields? It was put in around 2000.

I'm certain, based on the slope and grass growth, that the area up hill is drained to. The pipes that I hit were irregular in shape. I'll post pics later. As for the fields, I dont know how to discern where they stop and start.

Any and all input is most appreciated.
definitely looked rounded from top, but didn't dig further to explore it. Pics of the remnants attached

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It is hard to be certain from the pictures, but I think that you have hit something comparable to the Infiltrator domes.

If that is in fact what you have run into. DO NOT plant trees, bushes, or anything similar in the area. You should have someone attempt some type of repair to the damaged chambers, as holes in the chamber could let dirt wash into the drainfield and cause it to fail.
It is hard to be certain from the pictures, but I think that you have hit something comparable to the Infiltrator domes.

If that is in fact what you have run into. DO NOT plant trees, bushes, or anything similar in the area. You should have someone attempt some type of repair to the damaged chambers, as holes in the chamber could let dirt wash into the drain field and cause it to fail.

bummer. I already planted the trees. figured that it was so far away it wouldn't matter. especially since it is such a steep slope down hill.

Is it really that big of a deal? What about the 2 other tree i planted in parallel to the others (roughly same distance to tank). I hit pipe in 2 of the 4.

Makes me wonder if I shouldn't just look into getting onto city sewage.
i felt like the info i gave was too incomplete so below are pics of the field. The trees are 65 feet down hill from the hatch. The increased grass growth is within 25 feet of the hatch. First pic is from the side, second is from right above the septic hatch.

The hill is pretty darn steep. I don't see dirt going up hill. So i suspect leakage will be minimal.

Additionally I found out that the city will be offering sewage in my area in the next 5 years.

The septic was installed in 2000.

The nicks in the domes are both less than 4'' x 8". The one was barely hit.

Given this information... what is the most realistic course of action

Option #1 - Rip the trees out
Option #2 - Rip the trees out and patch the mini holes in the pipes. (replant?)
Option #3 - Forget about it and get on with my life

Your expertise is greatly appreciated

Many thanks in advance

photo 1.jpg

photo 2.jpg
Get on with your life. I you can't flush a toilet 5 years from now, worry about it. With that slope, I doubt you'll ever know you had a problem.