Hello from Ohio

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Feb 14, 2016
Reaction score
I'm new here from SW Ohio and have been lurking for a few months as we do our own projects around the house.
Glad you chimed in. Fell free to tell us how your day went if nothing else.
Hope the chatter here has been helpful and or entertaining.:D
I wish we had anything interesting going on. We spent the past two years replacing fixtures to sell one house and now we're moving on to looking at replacing fixtures at the new house. Just trying to decide which toilets and faucets I like in which rooms. Plus, there's always the fun "cleaning out the drains" fun that the husband has had with the older pipes/fixtures that really need replaced rather than gimped along. He's stubborn about it, so I let him be.

Of course, I have all kinds of wild ideas and dreams for awesome things to do, and then I tell him...and that's all she wrote. Haha