Garage drain pit overflowing

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Jul 7, 2012
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I have a pretty old house built in 1930s... with two garages...with drive in sloped pretty much as well as all the backyard leading to garage is sloped too.. so when it rains heavily(as it was last week in a few min my garage was overflowing with 2-5 " of water gurgling up from my garage drain pit..... now I have a problem what should I use to control the flow of heavy rain outside which collects at the bottom of slope leading to drain outside the garage and then into the pit in garage to further into city sewage...As I understand the volume that big was too much for the sewage(4") and it collected into my garage... as soon as the rain stopped, the drain emptied with noise instantly.. so I understand the pipe to city sewage is OK.. I bought sump pump... but as I emptied the pit of water and tried the pump in it's physical location, I discovered that the level of water in the pit that should be contained there to prevent the smell from sewage and the level of the floating switch of pump to start and stop were too different

The pit is W: 14". Lenght:26", Depth 26"
The water level to the pipes is 16 "
Should I be looking for another type of pumps?;; Like not submerged type, but regular , dry type with automatic water level sensor?

Looking for help.... Thnx for reading.
Rain water usually do not run to sewage drainage --- Are you sure it's a sewage ejection pump in your garage ?
Sorry, I am no expert ... that's why am asking for help... in the middle of garage floor is the pit -drain pit?... whatever.. so when it rains, the water from outside(there is a drain outside the garage, and all the water collected during the rainstorm, comes into this pit(pic attached) and there is escape pipe( the longer one) that acts as the drain to??? have no idea where to..... the fact is. that if there is a solid rain I have problem...

photo (1).JPG
The piping in the middle of the photo looks like a clean-out. I can see water draining in from the side wall, I can't see the pump or the pump discharge line(Piping thats connected to the pump). My recommendation would be finding the termination point of the pump discharge line, this will give more insite to a solution. The clean-out could be connected to the discahrge line --- The discharge line may have a partial clogg and thats why it can't keep up.
Thanx for trying to help me... There are NO pumps there... what You see is what I get...last nite I filled the pit with hose , and as the water got to the discharge line it handled it well....What I am trying to tell is, that in CASE OF HEAVY RAIN, what this season looks likely to repeat, I might have it again... the point is, to avoid that, or , at least, be ready to handle the situation, what kind of pump would be advisable to put into(submersible?) the pit, or, should I be getting a pump located outside the pit ???

Because, as I can see now , the drive in, all the back yard, as well as the car parking along the house is slanted towards the garage... so the huge volume of water keeps flowing down there, and the pipe(the long one in pic, is not able to handle it... there's the flooding..

Like You advised, will call the plumbers to check out the discharge pipe maybe it really is clogged somewhere... thanx for helping!
Rhea44, I would love to know the outcome. Please inform after the plumber come out.
Thanx for support... I will as soon as the plumber comes. Thanx
get a cheap sump pump and operate it on a float, then you can run the discharge line where you like, you know it can handle heavy rains and you have no further worrys.. if that line does drain at any point not during heavy rains have it camerad and located so you know where it goes and if its in good condition to handle its job \
he local plumbing boss came and: 1) clean(blow out the pipes, then cam them for inside or vice versa) and my idea of sump pump was also agreed... so let's see what's on Friday...
The plumber guys came, camer'd the discharge lines, cleaned with snake , installed the back flow valve in garage pit .... to-nite heavy rain again flooded it all.... tomorrow installing the pump... got all necessary ... heaven knows how much I will be charged as guys worked almost 4hrs in my garage & basement.....
Always get prices up front (IE- time & materials, flat rate, bids). Don't be afraid to ask question as the job go alone. What's going on in the basement, you never mention anything about your basement ? Did they find where the discharge terminated ?