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Well-Known Member
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Nov 24, 2010
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Cottage Grove, MN
I have a ToTo brand, Drake model toilet, with which I am well-pleased.
Curiously, in the last six weeks, it has been emitting a muffled, Chime-like sound at the start of the flush. Any clues to what's occurring?
The only thing I can think of is the arm from the flush handle hitting the lid on top of the water closet. I have one that does that. Gives a little "dink" sound each time the handle is pushed down.
I'm thinking the reverse threaded plastic flush handle has come loose, and is striking the porcelain during the flushing.
The nut is tight. I did notice the arm will rise enough to hit the tank cover.
Haven't pinned that down as the cause of the muted Kung-Fu gong, yet.
Thanks for your input.
The plastic stopper on the flush handle is probable either out of adjustment of snapped off, which is common.
The arm clinking on the tank lid will cause a surprising loud sound, the half-filled tank acts as an echo chamber.
The only thing I can think of is the arm from the flush handle hitting the lid on top of the water closet. I have one that does that. Gives a little "dink" sound each time the handle is pushed down.

Gentlemen: This, apparently, was the cause of the noise. I didn't directly address the arm as the cause of the noise, but, here's what happened: in the wee (ok, wee wee) hours of one morning, I visited the crime scene. When flushing out the suspect, the noise was sounded. I picked up the tank cover to see what I could see. Well, the arm did extend beyond the top of the tank when the lever was pushed. Hmm, I'll check that during the daytime. Putting the lid back was no easy manner in the dim light and I fussed with it, quietly, until at least it was seated. When I arose at my usual time, I had occasion to push down on the flush lever. As I turned from the WC, it dawned (pun intended) on me ... no muffled gong sound. So, I deduced I had moved the "sweet spot" from the reach of the arm. All has been uneventful since. Thank you.