Toilet Not Flushing Properly ??

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New Member
Jun 28, 2022
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Eastern Ontario
Back May 21st we had a Major Storm (Derecho) pass through Eastern Ontario, without Power a total of 7 days.. Problem came about when the Power was restored.. We live in a Rural Setting so it's Well & Septic.. The toilet is a Low Flush model, on average now it takes 2 / 3 flushes to clear the business down.. Why I don't know but we've discovered there is No vent pipe sticking up through the roof or coming from the Discharge Pipe leading to the Septic Tank.. Don't know if this would have any baring on things not flushing right . but in the 7 days no power I caught a family member absentmindly flush the toilet (we were using pales of water from the sump hole) One of them also started taking a shower , took a couple minutes to realize the water was running.. We have a holding tank sitting next to the Pump , it stands 3' high, not sure just how many gallons it holds ?? I'm wondering if there could be an Air Lock ?? Thoughts & Opinions Appreciated, Cheers Thanks
Is the WC a tank type? If so, then as long as the tank is full when you flush, that is all that matters. Does a bucket of water flush everything?
If flushing a full tank and getting poor flush, then look to all the basics unrelated to the storm.
Vent for plumbing system, item caught in the internal trap of the WC (VERY common in homes with kids), drain obstruction.
Does a bucket of water flush everything?

Yes.. There's enough force emptying the pale without Overflowing the Business.. This is our 15th year in this home , had to replace the Pump within a year of moving in but the Holding Tank hasn't been touched and no idea how long before us.. Assuming a Vent will help , it could be quit an undertaking to run a vent pipe from the Basement and up through the Roof, were talking maybe 15' vertically.. There must be options out there ??

The Holding Tank is Bell Shaped , Has a Valve Stem on the top of the casing (?) Bladder (?) Have never touched the holding tank...
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The well has nothing to do with the toilet except fill the tank. If it doesn't flush run a auger through the toilet. You also
could try running a wire threw the port holes under the rim of the bowl. Also if there is a hole at the bottom of the
toilet bowl make sure it is open also. If none of these ideas help pull the toilet and shine a flashlight in the drain hole
at the bottom and make sure nothing is caught in there.