What's the weather like where you are?

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72 but I have a head cold so it feels hot and cold. This sucks.
It's 38 and raining and I have to go to work. I hate the rain when I am working.
Don't you just take off?

If this were a job for my company than yes but I am gutting and remodeling a vacation home that my grandparents own in the mountians that will one day come to me so i have to do it right.

38?!!? In October!!????

That sucks!

It does but I am currently at 7300 feet so it is kinda expected. It is 37 right now and may snow tonight.
If this were a job for my company than yes but I am gutting and remodeling a vacation home that my grandparents own in the mountians that will one day come to me so i have to do it right.

It does but I am currently at 7300 feet so it is kinda expected. It is 37 right now and may snow tonight.

Well then, I wish you luck.
57, cold but not, it's weird.
It's only 57 but surprisingly chilly.
78 here today. Havasu and I have it made for the winter. Just wait 8 months when it's 110 outside and I dont want to move an inch.
54 pleasant but chilly.

Mmmmm.... pheasant chili.
Now I want Pheasant chili.

It is supposed to be 80 here tody. Perfect Christmas weather.
Well it only got to about 70 here today and is supposed to be in the 60's for the next week or two with a little rain. I hope it doesn't rain I still have a lot of work to do outside on the bar.
I hope it does I have squat, but it won't. 59.