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Having Dental work this afternoon,

Bite the dentist, blame it on the nature of her job, or try to talk a bunch about my boating expedition?
Depending on her looks, bite her.

Go over and help a buddy finish dry walling or work on my own business today?
Business, money isn't going to make itself.

Think of something to type, or just go with this?
I'm a little biased, but I vote pick on the Amish Oteyothanie, or however you spell his name.

Light a fire, or turn up the forced air heater?
Fire, definitely. That way you will have to walk back and forth feeding it, and will get more exercise, causing you to live well past 90. You ought to thank me for saving your life, though I won't hold my breath.

Risk getting banned by havasu, or risk getting banned by Otahyoni?
I wouldn't worry...with your knowledge, I'd be the first to go if Admin has any say! Otah does have a mean ban hammer available to him.

Pink or purple polka dots?
Pink, got no time for purple.

Go home early, stay at work, complain about pulled tooth?
Go home and medicate.. then watch Memphis play Tennesse in basketball tonite...

Watch basketball or work on knives in my garage/shop?
Work on knives in the garage while watching the BB game!

Assume Austin had only a little pain or alot of pain at the dentist?
Little, leading to a lot.

Post pics of my toothless grin, spare everyone?
Gotta post the toothless smile!

Laugh and feel bad when I see the pics, or act like I feel bad and lie about it?
Laugh and act like you feel bad.

Do a couple bids or put them off till later?

Couldn't get good pic,

Harass wife, design tooth camera?
Harass wife.

Do the bid the guy keeps calling about or actually wait for pricing to come in?
Wait, no sense in taking a risk in this economy.

Harassed wife, forgot what I was harassing her over. She's gone, no pic.

Design Tooth Camera, start a new hobby?
Start a new hobby, it will be cheaper.

Go to sleep after my 400 mile round trip to work today including 8 hours of digging or celebrate the two nice contracts I picked up while away?
Read and answer them all, Your doing such a fine job.
It's been 25 hrs since your last posted here.

Go play with my new toy ( compliments to Brad) or See what my wife is doing