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Spend time with them.

Leftovers, more turkey legs?

Buy lunch, eat leftovers?

Eat breakfast, skip it eat lunch?
Sleep. Go to Costco after the holiday.

Put on pants to take out the trash, risk it?
Risked it. Offended the neighbors.

Hot neighbors or not hot neighbors?
Not hot neighbors and he keeps taking out his trash with no pants on.

get ready for my taxes or relax?
Drum up some income.

wait on hold with American Express to change my hotel reservations or put off til tomorrow? Been on hold 15 minutes.
Might as well hold on.

Go back to bed, screw it stay up?
Stay up.

Big elaborate breakfast, oatmeal?
big breakfast

make something here or grab something on the way to the job?
Make it there.

Finished your taxes? Filing an extension?
slack off, you stay busy otherwise.

By a new tool I'll only use once, walk around my neighborhood till I find someone who has it and ask to borrow it?