Rough ABS pipe OK to use?

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New Member
Feb 12, 2018
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Hello all,
I'm in the process of putting in my own septic system on a manufactured home that was recently moved to our land.

The old sewer main was cut at a bad angle for the move to take place, and necessitated me pulling off the bad pipe. I used a heat gun to accomplish this. The gun left the existing ABS intact, but very rough. The new coupling won't fit unless I take a dremel or similar tool to lessen out the roughness...however, it's never going to be smooth again...and I've read that ABS should be "smooth" when cementing the pipes together.

So my question-does ABS have to be "smooth"...or will the rough ABS work OK enough once the coupling is cemented to another pipe?

If it's not acceptable, my options are to pull out the coupling-which I'm unsure how to do without duplicating the same heat gun/bad edges issue. Cutting further into the pipe would necessitate going up into the insulation.

The pipe itself will go straight down for about 3 feet, then into a sweep.

Hope that all makes sense. Happy to clarify anything.
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You can’t connect to that pipe, it’s too far gone. Cut it flush with the hub and use a socket saver tool to drill out the remaining pipe from the socket.

I'd give it a sanding and give it a shot, Can you hold a tape measure against the male extension to see how much meat you got to glue?
Hey guys-tried sanding & I decided to cut it as recommended above.
Thanks for very much for the advice!

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