Block of wood?

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just as i thought, unreal plumber bullshait again... remove it all, install a 45 at the pipe in the wall.. look at the dishwasher hose, lol.... next time hire a plumber... you will end up paying for it in clogs or leaks, i just jacked the pic for my page thank you
Well, AP. The site is for DIYers to stop by and get some advice before hiring a plumber or even share their experiences. We give advice and it is the poster's option to follow or ignore the advice. Some jurisdictions allow different designs in plumbing and they may not always agree with your perspective. It would make this forum less enjoyable to me if I simply labeled everything that a DIYer did as 'bullshait' and told them to hire a plumber. As a property owner, I feel that I should always be given the opportunity to repair something myself instead of being forced into a contract with a tradesman. Having this freedom, I am also at risk of screwing something up and costing myself more money when I do call in a tradesman. The opinions on the thread were made clear and by shaming or embarrassing a poster does nothing to promote the site. Savvy?
Please remember I did call a licensed plumber that had good references to fix the problem and got a block of wood. The state plumbing inspector passed us with zero problems and it was plumbed the same way it is shown here. Thank you to everyone for your comments and suggestions in regards to the plumbing problem it is much appreciated. I will let you know how the repairs go. Thank you Caduceus for your insightful comments.
From the picture, I can't see the attachment between the disposall and the drain pipe. But I think that a disposal waste kit could be used. This would bring the drain pipe from the disposal straight across to the left hand drain pipe, and eliminate the black 90 degree fitting that is currently attached to the disposal. Doing so would gain several inches of height, and the Ptrap could be installed correctly.
Is this the part that you are suggesting? InSinkErator DWC-00 Dishwasher Connector Kit: Home Improvement
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CAD, so with the picture that was posted, and the many things wrong with it, you think the DIY should continue with the project? go ahead and tell her how it fix it then, instead of bashing me.. go ahead...
I believe that is similar to what he described. In some areas that is a perfectly acceptable way to connect as long as it goes into the sink tailpiece as seen in the picture above. This is common where a single bowl sink existed and was changed to a double w/disposal.
I remember that you had a plumber install before and my previous post referred to DIYers as a general statement and not directed to you specifically. Sorry, for the confusion.
If you were to use the picture above as a go-by, maybe you can make the corrections, somebody you know or maybe call the last plumber back and see if he can help you out. It never hurts to ask, right?
that pic is also NOT correct, the baffle tee will cause issues,beside to many 90's... call the plumber back ask to talk to the boss and ask for someone else to come out to fix it... if it's a one man thing, then forget it, if the plumber does that kind of work you dont want him back in your house,
I think there are room for multiple solutions, but civility is key.