What did you do today?

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I won the dollar.

Yes started work yesterday morning at 7am. Will be here all day.

I would love coffee.
Frodo, I probably shouldn't get anymore toolboxes. LOL. I don't actually need them. I am a hoarder. My house is piled with boxes.

My sister is out visiting so we have been playing Dungeons and Dragons. She is very relaxed with the rules and doesn't take it too seriously, so we have fun. I had a shoebox on my lap to hold my dice and one of my cats saw it and decided to climb inside. He was too big for the box but he squeezed himself in and covered my dice. My sister made steak, cous cous, and gravy. I ate the steak and gravy.

I went to take some pictures of my ceiling (which I talked about on the houserepair forum) and the air conditioner kicked on. I felt air blowing on me from the attic. When the AC guy was over last, I had been feeling air coming from the ceiling near the cabinets and I told him about it. He told one of his guys to go check the ducts and I was told they were fine. I suspect the guy was either mistaken or lying because there is clearly a leak in the ducts somewhere if air is just blowing through the attic like that.

I tried to upload the pictures but my phone is not cooperating and my computer won't recognize the device to view the pictures anymore. There was some update on the phone that made it stop working. I don't know why it won't upload via wireless though. I'm probably less than 6' from the router so it should have good signal. It usually works well.

Oh, I had a moment where it was like I was a kid again and another kid was lying and pointing the finger at me to get themselves out of trouble. Only this time it was my mother playing the blame game. There is a wellness center in town with some low-stress gym equipment. Stuff you can use to exercise without breaking a sweat and without putting too much stress on the legs. Anyway, the doctor gave my mother a note that she needed to go there so her insurance will pay for it. I have been trying to convince her to go but she refuses. So, my sister was asking about why we weren't going and my mother started to say one thing and then stuttered a bit. Suddenly she very forcefully said "Because your SISTER didn't want to go!" and points at me... I admit I was so shocked by such a boldfaced lie that I blinked several times and then said "BULL$***!" She then yelled "Don't talk to me like that!" and started making up a story about how we were leaving the doctor's office and that I said I didn't want to go. Which was total crap because I suggested swinging by and she was the one who said "no". I got a bit angrier than I should have, but for some reason it just really pissed me off. Later my sister told me she knew it wasn't true so I felt better. Now I just think its funny. I mean, it was such a childish thing for a 64-year-old woman to do. LOL.

Anyhoo, I have been procrastinating on getting things done. My brother is leaving for a trip on Friday and I am going to re-claim the monitor he stole from me so I can use my desktop again.

Chris, did the guy actually give you the dollar?

And LOL @ the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs thing.
My brother-in-law shared this link on how to melt aluminum cans and turn them in to ingots. Pretty cool.

I've had a headache for a couple of days but now that it has stopped raining, I'm feeling better. I watched my stupid cow get her head stuck through an opening near the feed trough. I waited until she got herself unstuck before going back inside. I was trying to figure out a way to help her, but she can be dangerous because of her size and horns.
That is a cool way to condense aluminum. I wonder how much more money you will get if you were to recycle the slab versus the cans?
Somehow it's my anniversary today and I have to do a bunch of stuff the wife wants to do. I thought it was my anniversary too?
Well here it is January and here in Nova Scotia we just got our first taste of winter with a couple inches of snow. Spent most of the day plowing the yard with my 4 wheeler, as I don't yet have the plow on my truck, and did some shovelling.

I was going to plumb a mini-home today, but weather put a stop to that.

Hot drinks and watching hockey the rest of the night
Thanks! I sent the lady shopping and I'm having a cocktail in my nice quite empty home by myself. Couldn't ask for anything more.
I worked on my tractor for a bit this afternoon. Trying to get this place ready to be a rental when we move. I should just sell it.
Blew out. My brilliant pipe layer moved a section of fire line down five feet for a new footing by installing 45 bends fully restrained but failed to restrain the existing pipe five feet away.
I worked on my tractor for a bit this afternoon. Trying to get this place ready to be a rental when we move. I should just sell it.

your braver than me, around here, renters will tear your stuff up.

and then try and sue you.

if it was me, i would put a clause ln the contract, that i could inspect the property any time i wanted. and make them sign a arbitration clause instead of
a court clause.
and,, waive the right for evicition, agree that if you say get, they got 30 days to get.
I've been crazy on service the past few weeks. Haven't had much time for plumbingforums.

I vote we change the name to frodoforums. The guy is just in every thread these days!