Periodic flushing problems

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Active Member
Aug 24, 2014
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Both commodes periodically either flush slow or need to be plunged to flush at all. I live in a ranch with a crawl space and a septic system. The septic was cleaned about 3.5 years ago and none of the drains in the other fixtures run slow at all. If this is a vent problem wouldn't all the drains run slow? How do I know if it is a vent problem or not? I believe the volume of water rushing into the tank is where it should be. We are careful to make sure we hold the flush handle up long enough so the flapper can do it's thing etc..I'm not a plumber but have looked into all the obvious things to look for.. Thank you.
Is that an old toilet? I've seen that problem with older toilets and in those cases I just put I new one in and problem fixed.