No scratch toilet auger

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New Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Recently bought a home that has Kohler toilets which were designed, by the lead MORON on their toilet design team.

There is a channel at the bottom of the toilet that prevents most every plunger one has to buy, from resolving most minor problems. I was down by 25 bucks plus, and with a still-no-flush-situation.

Funny to youse, maybe, but not to me. :)

The solution was to use a metal snake.

((How about someone coming up with a plastic snake with a metal cable at its center?))

To continue with this thread: bought a 25 foot auger with a clamp that can be clamped and released as the cable is extended.

To prevent scratching the china bowel, I bought a 4 ft piece of heavy but fexible plastic hose, whose diameter was slightly larger than the end piece of the snake, to feed the cable through.

That allowed me to thread the tubing around the toilet bend/s and still keep the top of it from being under the level of the crappy water, while I let out the cable a few feet at a time.

Let out cable, clamped it, rotated the auger, repeat.

The problem soon flushed away.

Used an old rag to wipe off the cable as I withdrew it..

Later flushed out the auger and plastic hose, and set both aside for a future use.

(Just saw a U-tube video of some woman using a snake with a piece of plastic tubing much like I used, but with a shorter auger cable.)

Not a new idea I am sure, but one that does work.