Is this water connection soldered? How to unscrew it?

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Jan 11, 2016
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Noob here, trying to replace the anode rod in my water heater which is connected to the hot water inlet. Looking at the copper pipe to nipple connection, I am not sure if I can simply unscrew the pipe. What do you guys think? Is it a normal connection, just unscrew it and screw it back after replacing the anode rod, or be ready with soldering supplies to put it back?

That's a female adaptor soldered onto copper. To remove that nipple you will have to cut the copper and once back in place solder a coupling to reconnect. But like frodo said I've never seen an anode on the hot side
Thanks for the solution! Would you recommend an inexpensive soldering torch for this job?

Bradford White water heaters commonly have the anode rod connected to the hot side nipple. They call it combo rod. Mine was built in 2006 and hasn't been drained or anode replaced. Just got educated on this old house show and started researching. This is the replacement rod:
Your best bet is going to a hardware store and seeing what they have I know Home Depot sells kits with torches tank and solder not sure of the price though
Thanks for the solution! Would you recommend an inexpensive soldering torch for this job?

Bradford White water heaters commonly have the anode rod connected to the hot side nipple. They call it combo rod.

Correct. They use the "combo rod" as a ways of saving money, i.e. no separate anode rod but part of the hot water outlet nipple.
Thanks! Will look for a torch kit in the local stores.