Hot Water Cloudy Then Gets Clear

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New Member
Jan 24, 2011
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asheville, North Carolina
I just installed a 30 gal. electric bottom fill water heater and an expansion tank in a mobile home. The water comes out hot at all fixtures and with good pressure but when filling up a glass the hot water is cloudy for 15 to 20 seconds. It then clears up. I have bled the lines and even installed a vacuum breaker (as per code for bottom fills) but it still comes out cloudy. The cold side is crystal clear at all fixtures. To make it even stranger when I run the hot water in the tub and fill a glass it is crystal clear. If I run the hot water in the sink right next to the tub it is cloudy. I have tried taking off all the aerators on the sinks but that doesn't help. The mobile home is on city water and has never had this problem.
Any ideas would be welcomed......
Thanks !!!
Well -- I finally have it solved.
After numerous calls to Whirlpool they sent me a Magnesium anode rod. Seems they ship the tanks with an aluminium anode rod and sometimes the aluminium reacts with the chemicals that the water dept. adds to the city water. You swap out the aluminium anode rod to a Magnesium one and that takes care of the cloudy water.
I thought they were all magnesium. I do know for a boat, they have different anodes for different water. Could this be determined by regions of the country where the W/H is distributed?