Toilet - is this done wrong???? Would you redo this?

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Frodo's rules for homeowners.

You called the plumber, you need to:

put your clothes on when answering the door.
Do NOT flirt with me. your hamburger aint worth it, I got steak at home
I do not want to chit chat, i am charging you by the hour
if you have a dog, chain him up, he might not bite you, if he tries to bite me. i WILL boop him in the head with a wrench
If you have house dogs, lock them up.
i do not like to be licked while under your sink, you think its cute, I think its discusting
same goes for your cat
PLEASE, pick up your dirty clothes, in the bathroom, i dont want to handle your dirty drawers
tell me what the problem is in detail,
if i ask a question like is their anothr sink backing up, it is a diagnostic question
i am not trying to screw you out of more money.
if you see something I am doing you dont like SAY SO, you will not hurt my feelings
do not wait 5 hours and call me.

when presented with a bill, pay it.
keep your snide remarks about a dr does not charge as much, to yourself.
I am a professional, i have a home, mortgage, kids in school, and bills just like you.

what do you bill out per hour ? surprise!!!! me to!!.

If you do call a plumber, usually it is a minimum 1 hour charge
if he runs in fixes your problem in 15 minutes.
WHOA>>>STOP< i am paying a hour minimum, ask him to clean your aereators, inspect the water heater, you have a pro on the hook for 45 minutes. use his knowledge to your advantage.
these are called ticket hours, the othr is man hours
a plumber can, get 12 billable ticket hours in a 8 hour period
if he runs and guns.
Mr_Robot, would you mind sharing some of the other things the guy did that made you uncomfortable? I'm curious about that. (Obviously you don't have to share if you don't want to).

Regarding the other stuff which I got bad vibes from, lessee - this is going to be difficult to describe, there was a bunch of things that went on, and hard to try to explain/detail, and relying on my faulty memory....

(1) Coming into my house he made no offer to remove his dirty shoes or cover them with booties or whatever. Not a dealbreaker there, but seems standard today that most professionals do just that.

(2) First thing he said when he saw the toilet was something like - "oh gee this is old, you should really just get a new one. We don't normally do residential work, we do a lot of new construction [and something else he mentioned which I can't recall like contracting for Home Depot or Lowes], and I can get you a good deal, but I'm not trying to sell you anything, that is up to you".

Which meant the opposite of what he was saying, in that he WAS trying to sell me a new toilet of course.

I told him I'm not looking to buy a new toilet; just wanted the leak on this fixed, depending on what the problem was of course. Note that the toilet came new with the house when I bought it as new construction, in 1992.

I was shocked and confused about his line of "we don't normally do residential work" (uh what?????). So I asked "why are you here, why didn't you say anything like that when I called in the first place????" And he said something like "well the woman who answered the phone is the owner, and I'm the head something or other, so she patched you through to me" and didn't really even answer my question at all.

Note that their company is in the yellow pages under PLUMBERS and only says "Plumbing and Drain Cleaning" - there is no mention of "industrial only" or "new construction only" or "not for residential" or whatever. So right there I was wondering what kind of b.s.-er am I getting involved with here?

(3) After he realized he wasn't selling me a new toilet he took off the caps to look at the bolts and said the bolt on one side was loose and that was just the problem, that it didn't need a new seal at all.

He tightened it up and said that should do it. I told him that I was skeptical that would do the trick, and really wanted the seal replaced, that was why I had called for a plumber, it would have been a total waste of my money to have someone come out and just tighten the bolts. He filled the toilet up and flushed it a couple times and said it looked fine. Then he added that if I wanted him to replace the seal it was going to cost a lot more. Although at that point he didn't say anything about what he would have charged for that 5 minutes "work" to tighten the one bolt. And also on the phone he had already told me it was going to cost about $150 to replace the ring or maybe around $200 if it was more involved, and I had already agreed to that, to come and replace the ring, for $150, I wanted that done and was prepared to pay that to get it done (but of course I thought that meant that I would be getting a job done right, the old ring taken off, a new one put in its place etc etc etc).

Then he also said something like, "it looks fine, if you see it leaking later, just calk it up & seal it that way".

To which I replied "but isn't calking it up the exact thing you DON'T want to do, since then you seal the leak in and could cause damages under there?". To which he replied something like "no it will be fine, that is what I always do" kind of thing, and I protested that if I did that and it leaked inside it might damage the floor etc and again he insisted no, it would be fine in there, it was normal to do that etc. At that point I should have just told him to get out of my house I guess. But what do I know? I'm not a plumber. This is his job he must know more than me. But I could've sworn I had read that is exactly what NOT to do but I guess I could be confused..

So while we are having this discussion he is continuing to flush/fill it and says it looks good. But I thought I saw some water leaking out the side & put my finger down where I thought I saw a leak and felt some wetness that I showed him, at which point he just went right into "OK here we go let's pull the toilet and replace the ring etc" mode.

(4) When he drained the toilet he used a portable vac that was like a toolbox size. It was kind of coming apart like it was loose in spots and some of the water got spread around on the floor. He picked up the hose and held it by the end with his hand and just stuck his hand in my toilet, like he was sticking his hand into a clean swimming pool. I was kind of grossed out - would you stick your hand in a stranger's toilet with no gloves on? I wouldn't but maybe that is just a plumber being brave and doesn't mean anything. And after draining it (including the really gross dark brown water from the tank - due to the hard water deposits there I guess?), he put that vac thing onto the changing shelf outside my bathroom (getting it wet). Ughh. To his "credit" he cleaned up the water on the floor (using pieces of my toilet paper). I cleaned what I saw on the shelf. And I made a note that I needed to be sure to disinfect everything later.

Then we got into the weirdness that I already talked about where he was putting the toilet into my tub, not cleaning off (or even looking at) the old wax ring when he put the new one on the flange.

(4) After tightening the toilet back up he said some b.s. like "the toilet is going to be a bit higher now since the floor isn't level" (what the eff?). The real reason it was higher was because it was sitting on top of twice as much wax as it was supposed to. At that point I pretty much had had enough and just wanted him gone. He seemed like a real scheister (spelling?) and I just want this nightmare to end. I told him it's OK if it is higher as long as it doesn't leak anymore.

He filled it up & flushed it a couple times, didn't seem to be leaking. Told me to tighten it up later if it leaks again (and to calk it). I noticed that he had not filed down the bolts (which were sticking up like 6 inches) and asked him to please do that so I could put the caps back on easily at some point. So he did that but I felt it was weird that he didn't do that without me asking.

(5) Then he went to put his stuff back in his truck and had me continue to flush it a couple times, which I did. He came back inside downstairs, and I went downstairs to settle up, see how much he was going to charge, his phone rang and he said he really needed to take this call - it was something to do with him buying a new house (?), and went outside again on my porch area. So I stood inside waiting for him a couple minutes, checkbook in hand....eventually he poked his head back in the door with the phone still on his ear and said "that'll be $200". Sigh. When we originally talked the price was supposed to be $150 if it was just changing the ring, but possibly $200 if there was something more involved. So he's jacking up the price I guess to the max we discussed earlier even though the job was a non-involved quickie that he didn't even do right, let alone something requiring a lot of time having to deal with a broken flange or problems with the floor or sewer hookup or God knows what.

He didn't tell me who to make the check out to so I had to ask him. The name to make the check out to was not his name, nor the name of the company I had called either, it was something I had never heard of. I wanted a receipt and he said "oh the office will mail you one". Btw I had a similar issue with a ripoff HVAC guy over a year ago who never gave me a receipt either - despite even calling a week later and asking for one. So I doubt I'll get one this time either but who knows.

OK, I've rambled on way too much and didn't even really cover everything, doubt anyone will be able to follow all that above but you asked so....oh wait, here's another thing, total b.s., at some point he said something like "I know you don't think I did this right without taking off the old wax ring, but note that I bought the best wax ring you can get now, this is a really good one" - what? I didn't know wax rings varied so much in "quality", was this one made of earwax instead of beeswax?? I guess it cost $2.50 instead of $2.00. Cut me a break.
Thank you for explaining that. Yeah, it sounds like he was a total shyster. The moment he said he didn't do residential work should have been a red flag. I wonder if that creep was even licensed. Refusing to give you a receipt is also odd. Now, I had a plumber who said if he didn't give me a receipt he wouldn't have to charge tax for parts-- but I wanted a receipt. Apparently, if they don't give you a receipt, they don't log it and don't have to report it as income. I hope you got the guy's name so you can call the company and complain to them about his unprofessional behavior and how he didn't give you a receipt and left you feeling very uncomfortable. They may or may not do anything about it-- but you should at least file a complaint with them.

He was banking on you not standing up to him. He probably does that a lot. It's a common thing with homeowners, so don't feel too bad about it. My mother has had people pull crap like that on her because she didn't stand up to them. For future reference, always ask for a receipt and refuse to fork over payment until they give you one. They might not like it, but they can't do anything about it. I normally wouldn't suggest not paying someone, but if all it required was a receipt in exchange, it shouldn't be so hard to comply unless he was trying to pull some scam.

At least you won't be calling that particular dude again.

Hopefully, the next time you need a plumber, you'll have a better experience.
Thank you for explaining that. Yeah, it sounds like he was a total shyster. The moment he said he didn't do residential work should have been a red flag. I wonder if that creep was even licensed. Refusing to give you a receipt is also odd. Now, I had a plumber who said if he didn't give me a receipt he wouldn't have to charge tax for parts-- but I wanted a receipt. Apparently, if they don't give you a receipt, they don't log it and don't have to report it as income. I hope you got the guy's name so you can call the company and complain to them about his unprofessional behavior and how he didn't give you a receipt and left you feeling very uncomfortable. They may or may not do anything about it-- but you should at least file a complaint with them.

He was banking on you not standing up to him. He probably does that a lot. It's a common thing with homeowners, so don't feel too bad about it. My mother has had people pull crap like that on her because she didn't stand up to them. For future reference, always ask for a receipt and refuse to fork over payment until they give you one. They might not like it, but they can't do anything about it. I normally wouldn't suggest not paying someone, but if all it required was a receipt in exchange, it shouldn't be so hard to comply unless he was trying to pull some scam.

At least you won't be calling that particular dude again.

Hopefully, the next time you need a plumber, you'll have a better experience.

Thanks for the advice. Biggest lesson I learned is to never ever again just contact a plumber/etc simply from the listing in the yellow pages. I will try to at least find one with some good reviews on Yelp first.

I actually did do that first and called a few but none of them answered their phone (it was in the afternoon & I guess they were out on jobs or whatever), so I switched gears and instead just called whatever ones I could find with a listing for my home town, thinking at least they are close by, could come over quickly, and perhaps not charge as much since not having to do travel time - oh & that was another weird thing, it came up in conversation at the end as to where he was buying his new house, and it was like an hour's drive from here, near where I grew up, and he lives out there now. I told him that one of the reasons I called his company was because of the listing being local and asked if the office was even in my town and he said "no, she [he owner] just puts a couple listings/numbers in there" (they had several listings btw, all in different towns). Sheesh.
You need to copy exactly what you wrote in here, and send it to the company who you hired to fix your toilet. if you don't hear from them in two days to fix your problem, you need to post that exact letter into Yelp. Give them one chance to do it right again, and hopefully they will be a bit more understanding to your needs.

I had an electrician here today and he was just the opposite. He was friendly, really concerned, and went the extra mile to make things right. I was posting a 5 star comment on Yelp before he made it down the street. I received a message back about 1/2 hour later from the owner of the company explaining that his business either lives or dies based on Yelp comments. I'm happy to do this for someone who does a good job here.
Oh, the not answering or not calling back is a huge problem where I live. When I was looking for septic tank installers there weren't ANY in my county, so I had to call people in adjacent ones. I called over 20 of them and at least 5 didn't pick up the phone and all but three said they wouldn't come out to my area. Of those three, one was booked up for weeks and the other was hinky (said the inspector couldn't stop him from doing things that violated code and just came off as a shyster-- I reported him to the inspector). I should have waited for the one who was booked up bc the guy I got was new and didn't really know what he was doing.

Good idea on the Yelp thing, havasu. I'll have to see if they even have Yelp listings for my area...
I am not a plumber , just a DIY'er .

I no longer use wax rings . I use a rubber no-wax seal . A little like the ones in the link . But not entirely . Last time I needed to pull the toilet , I used one from a local store . free toilet seal

I used one that had a seal where it meets the porcelain . The foam double sided product . I pealed that off .

Pulled the toilet up and cleaned everything , best I could . Then used E6000 adhesive / sealant to " glue " the rubber seal to the porcelain . Let it dry / set overnight .

Next day , I set the toilet . So far , no leaks . Praise the Lord ! :)

By the way , I usually remove the tank , before I pull the toilet . Makes it lighter & easier to handle . I use that as an opportunity to replace the rubber seal between the tank and the bowl and the bolts & gaskets that attach the tank to the bowl . They are relatively inexpensive .

I am not saying the way I do it is correct . But I seem to have better luck with it , than with wax rings .

God bless
The rubber seals only work on new toilets..... Wax prevents it from sticking and sealing. Fix that mr advertizing robot.... Homeowner dude with wax everywhere. WD-40 cleans that wax right up. Just wipe up the wd-40 with a soap and it shine like new
Jamesplumbing06, thanks for the tip on WD-40 for cleaning the wax up. What kind of soap though? dish soap or hand soap?
Just looking at his finished job, that guy does not have any pride in what he does!!!! Look at the wax just goooooped all over and not even cleaned off of the closet. And no, he should have scraped the old waxy off and put on a new one. He's got so much wax ring on their it's squishing out from under the John!!! Sorry for your loss of $200
The rubber seals only work on new toilets..... Wax prevents it from sticking and sealing. Fix that mr advertizing robot.... Homeowner dude with wax everywhere. WD-40 cleans that wax right up. Just wipe up the wd-40 with a soap and it shine like new

I must beg your pardon . Mine was not a new toilet . I cleaned off the wax , pealed off the double sided sticky foam ( on the rubber seal ) and attached the seal to the toilet with E6000 . Let dry over night .

Seems to be working fine . Ben in place for several years and from what I can tell , has not leaked .

Hope I have not jinxed myself by saying that ? :-(

God bless
I have used the funnels (w and w/o wax ring) before I came to study here.

After hearing suggestions by members here that the funnel may cause flow problems, I personally will stay with the wax ring.

That toilet needs to be field stripped and mounted in the correct manner IMO as any possible leakage may not show externally and attack the sub-floor, not to mention the resultant unsanitary condition(s) it may cause.

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I must beg your pardon . Mine was not a new toilet . I cleaned off the wax , pealed off the double sided sticky foam ( on the rubber seal ) and attached the seal to the toilet with E6000 . Let dry over night .

Seems to be working fine . Ben in place for several years and from what I can tell , has not leaked .

Hope I have not jinxed myself by saying that ? :-(

God bless

Ok but most plumbers can't get paid to tell a customer to allow glue to dry overnight. But yes cudos to you for a patient wife also. Lol. Joking around
Ok but most plumbers can't get paid to tell a customer to allow glue to dry overnight. But yes cudos to you for a patient wife also. Lol. Joking around

Yes , a commercial plumber , getting paid by the hour , is in a different situation . I am not a plumber . I am a homeowner , a DIY'er . And I am not getting paid , except through the money saved by not paying a plumber .

Do I make mistakes ? Absolutely . But , even taking that into consideration , I feel I come out money ahead . Plus , I more or less do things on my schedule .

Yes , I gave a very wonderful and patient wife . She helps me , as much as she can . She often says she does not feel he helps me very much . But , things as simple as handing tools , holding a light , etc. are a great help .

If she saves me having to get my fat behind up off the floor to get something , that really helps . Bringing me water or coffee . Or a snack if I get low on sugar .

When I was working under the house , it was especially helpful for her to be able to go to the water meter ( in the alley ) and turn the valve off or turn the valve on . That was a vast amount of help .

I can just barely fit through the scuttle hole , to get under the house . There is a physical limit to the number of times I can get in and out in a day .

Of course , in regards of the toilet , it helps that we had a second bathroom that we could use .

My wife helps me with other projects , like working on a car . Upgrading our electrical service . Installing a mini split ductless A/C / heat pump . Patching the roof . Installing a new water heater . Painting . The list goes on .

I have been blessed in so many ways .

God bless
Since the waxless toilet ring was brought up, I read that the green ones that have a coating over foam tend to deteriorate. Someone posted pics on Amazon of what happened to their ring.

I saw that there are solid synthetic rubber ones though. I wonder if they are any good. Danco, Fluidmaster, and Flush*saver seem to make them. Granted, I think they would all still require a very clean toilet and flange to install.
I don't know why, but it's hard to find a good service techs. Maybe that's why I do a lot of stuff myself.

If I have to set a toilet inside a bath tub I always put a piece of cardboard or something to protect the tub.
I carry a roll of 4mil plastic on my truck and always use a piece on the floor when I pull a toilet.

If I leave a mess, they WILL call and I get an ear full from the boss man.
You can't please everyone all the time, No matter how hard you try.
Some customers will complain because you let a fly in the door.

But I agree that guy was a pig. I make a mess when I work but I try to minimize it and I clean up when I am done.
Since the waxless toilet ring was brought up, I read that the green ones that have a coating over foam tend to deteriorate. Someone posted pics on Amazon of what happened to their ring.

I saw that there are solid synthetic rubber ones though. I wonder if they are any good. Danco, Fluidmaster, and Flush*saver seem to make them. Granted, I think they would all still require a very clean toilet and flange to install.

The one I used was black rubber of some sort . I think I posted a link to one example I found online ?

God bless
I don't know why, but it's hard to find a good service techs. Maybe that's why I do a lot of stuff myself.

If I have to set a toilet inside a bath tub I always put a piece of cardboard or something to protect the tub.
I carry a roll of 4mil plastic on my truck and always use a piece on the floor when I pull a toilet.

If I leave a mess, they WILL call and I get an ear full from the boss man.
You can't please everyone all the time, No matter how hard you try.
Some customers will complain because you let a fly in the door.

But I agree that guy was a pig. I make a mess when I work but I try to minimize it and I clean up when I am done.

Years ago , I worked maintenance at a hospital . We had to clean up the mess , whether we caused it or if it was there when we got there .

Our department head and the department head for housekeeping did not get along . The rumor was , he had made a pass at her & she did not appreciate it ? Who knows ?

The housekeeping staff were happy to load us mops , brooms , vacuum cleaners , etc . . And the housekeeping department head treated us grunts fine .

Later , when working for a contractor , I would always offer to clean up . Ask to borrow a vacuum . Some wanted me to clean up . Some realized they would be paying me by the hour to clean up and said they would do it . But they always appreciated the offer .

We have a Telco customer . We are required to clean up every day , before we go home . Required to use vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters . The General Contractor often has to build dust partitions .

God bless
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