Help with Toilet repair

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New Member
Apr 21, 2021
Reaction score
Eastlake Ohio
Driving me crazy.

Toilet runs periodically.
I have re-built everything.
New fill valve
new flapper valve & tube.
New tank seal.

Still leaks
Driving me crazy.

The only other thing I can think of is a possible hairline crack in the tank near
the flapper seal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Driving me crazy.

Toilet runs periodically.
I have re-built everything.
New fill valve
new flapper valve & tube.
New tank seal.

Still leaks
Driving me crazy.

The only other thing I can think of is a possible hairline crack in the tank near
the flapper seal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Pictures always help
Make sure the ballcock refill hose is secured/directed into the flushvalve and above the water level in the tank.
The purpose of that hose is something I've never really understood or how it functions to help things. Can you explain it in lay"person's" terms for me on why putting water into the top of the flush valve pipe is useful?
The purpose of that hose is something I've never really understood or how it functions to help things. Can you explain it in lay"person's" terms for me on why putting water into the top of the flush valve pipe is useful?
In most toilets the refill is required to properly prime the trap.

Toilets work on a siphon, it’s an s-trap.

It’s mechanically primed typically.
To this point, our son recently had the same issue. After replacing the flap, the water level was still going down. I noticed the black hose was not clipped to the tube, but actually pushed down inside. It was siphoning a little bit of water all the time. Once the tube was positioned above the water line, the siphoning ceased and no more problems.