Does This Toilet Have a Known Tendency to Clog?

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Oct 30, 2017
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I remodeled a bathroom about 6.5 years ago. The toilet I had there before never clogged. The waste line for the toilet did not change during the remodel, except that a fitting was added to the toilet waste so a shower could be added. The new toilet is a Toto MS854114S 1.6 gal.

The toilet only clogs when a certain member of the household deposits solid waste in there. This person was away for 2 years and the toilet NEVER clogged during that time, and it does get used.

1) Could this be an issue with the waste plumbing, considering that it's mostly NOT a problem?
2) I'm thinking this toilet simply cannot handle especially hard solid waste and maybe that's the problem.
3) Is this model toilet known to not handle a large amount of solid waste very well?
4) Would changing to a different toilet that has a very large clearing capacity be a solution?
toto is a great toilet its not the plumbing or the toilet just re read your second paragraph ….if its that much waste have them flush 1/2 way thru then again at the end sorry for the explanation but that what I would try they make air assist flush toilets not sure what they cost they have their own issues at times
toto is a great toilet its not the plumbing or the toilet just re read your second paragraph ….if its that much waste have them flush 1/2 way thru then again at the end sorry for the explanation but that what I would try they make air assist flush toilets not sure what they cost they have their own issues at times

I don't think my Toto is not an air assist, is it?
If this person has medical issues which make their solids really hard, that might be an issue. Might. One of my sons was a toilet plugger when he was young. It was a him problem, he flushed half or more of the roll down...retraining was necessary. If that toilet works 80% of the time and only plugs by one person, it’s not the toilet or plumbing. You’re going to have to have a “come to Jesus” moment with this person.
Make sure the suspected clogger holds down the flush handle until all waste is removed from the bowl. Remember quick flush for liquid waste, hold down the handle for solid waste. Not following this advice may result in clogs in any brand of water conserving toilet.